Hi my name’s Chris (aka The Aussie Nomad) and I’ve been living abroad as an expat and exploring the world since the beginning of 2010. In that time I’ve been learning about travel (and myself) and sharing all of that knowledge with the rest of the world here on my blog in the hopes it will help someone like it’s helped me.
The origins of this site however were born out of frustration. I had never travelled before and so turned to the internet for ALL the answers and couldn’t find them. I wanting to know how much it was going to cost me to backpack Europe, what was the cheapest ways to travel Europe and how I went about getting a working holiday visa for the UK.
As I moved away from backpacking and into looking for work abroad I began researching the process of moving to London and living the expat lifestyle. Once settled in my new home a long way from my first I began to travel further afield to America, South Korea, Israel and even back home to my beloved Australia. Along the way covering more broader topics like the best travel cards and what the ideal computer for travel might be.
While I starting off as a budget traveller I’ve progressed into the expat lifestyle and the luxury traveller whenever the wallet allows. But it it’s never mattered how I’ve travelled as there is always a story and an experience waiting for me at the next airport, train station or corner.
As a result of all of the above I want to inspire you to go out there and experience the world for yourself. There is so much we can learn from the rest of the world and how they live. I believe travel is the ultimate investment you can make in yourself and so I encourage you to invest often and in large amounts. I hope that no matter what kind of traveller you are, you can find inspiration and help from my site.
If you are interested in working with me to highlight your company or tourism campaign you can review my previous campaigns and work here. And if you’d like to connect with me in other ways than this blog you can find me at any of the below.