
Archive | May, 2013

St Pete Beach Sunset

There’s a lot to like about a good summer sunset. It signals the end of a day where you can sit back, relax, grab a cool drink and reflect on the day’s events. The above view was taken from the balcony of our hotel after having crossed Florida from St Augustine on the east coast of America. A worthy reward for having survived the drive I think.


Grampians National Park

This post could just read visit the Grampians National Park and leave it at that. Such is the abundance of beauty and attractions in the area. But to be honest it wouldn’t be giving the area the respect it deserves so allow me to show you why the area is worth your time. For those that don’t know, the Grampians National Park (or Gariwerd as the local Aboriginal people named […]


What Travel Card Is Best For You

Taking a trip overseas is one hell of a lot of fun. Buying clothes, gear and researching where you might go are some of the most exciting parts of the planning stage. And then there are the more difficult tasks like getting visas, saving money to travel and bidding farewell to the family. Another one of the difficult tasks is working out the best travel card option to get access […]


The Indian Pacific

Thinking about travelling from Perth to Sydney or Sydney to Perth for a holiday then I’d imagine you’d go straight to looking up the cheapest flights available. Some might consider taking the car for an extended road trip but I’d hazard a guess very few ever consider taking the train, well the Indian Pacific to be correct. Let’s get started with a few details to warm you up. The first […]


Riding the Indian Pacific

Riding the Indian Pacific from one side of Australia to the other is not your usual mode of transport for getting around the country. But when you can enjoy views like the one above of our train inching its way towards the blue mountains on a bright sunny morning it sure makes the experience worth it.