
Featured Photo: First Snow

First Snow of the Season

Coming to the UK to live meant I was going to get to experience a lot of new and wonderful things. One that I was really looking forward too, was the first snow day.

I saw this snow covered driveway as I walked to work on my first ever snow day. To me it resembles everything I had imagined about how beautiful things in England can be. It looked like a scene you would normally just see in a movie, not walking up the road to work.

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20 Responses to Featured Photo: First Snow

  1. AGACOSMIC December 20, 2010 at 8:30 AM #

    Nice photo. As long as I see a snow ONLY on a photo it’s quite pretty 😉

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 20, 2010 at 11:24 PM #

      haha cmon Agnieszka, don’t you miss home just a little? My work mate (from Warsaw) said there is lots of snow there at the moment 🙂

  2. CANDICE December 20, 2010 at 1:23 PM #

    Hehe, love how it’s such a cool experience for you. Whenever I see snow I cry a little.

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 20, 2010 at 11:25 PM #

      lol Candice, I’ll admit snow is still very cool for me. Everybody else at work is cursing it and saying its cold. Me well I can’t help but get excited.

  3. KIRSTEN December 20, 2010 at 3:44 PM #

    It reminds me of a scene out of “The Holiday” or “Bridget Jones Diary”!!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 20, 2010 at 11:26 PM #

      Thanks Kirsten. I don’t know why it just looks like a long driveway that leads down to a beautiful old english home, just like you would see in the movies. With all the snow and cold added for effect.

  4. HANNA December 21, 2010 at 2:37 AM #

    What a gorgeous pic. You’re right… it looks like there’d be this incredible old mansion at the end of that drive. As long as it’s only a ‘dusting’, I can handle it, but piles of snow that take months to melt, is just not my thing anymore. A wee bit of global warming is not necessarily a bad thing for those of us that live in freezing winter climes ;o) Enjoy!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 24, 2010 at 7:18 PM #

      Thanks Hanna. So far I’m enjoying the cold and snow but I’m sure if I ever make it your way that my mind will be changed.

  5. ANDI December 21, 2010 at 6:11 AM #

    Awww, looks so quaint!

  6. HEATHER December 21, 2010 at 8:59 AM #

    Awww — snow!! Really nice photo! Not a bad walk to work 🙂 Well, maybe you were a little cold, but looks lovely 🙂

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 24, 2010 at 7:20 PM #

      It’s not a bad walk when its still snow Heather. Once that snow turns to ice its like walking up a slippery slide.

  7. BROOKE VS. THE WORLD December 21, 2010 at 11:33 AM #

    Hmm can’t say I like how cold that photo feels…

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 24, 2010 at 7:21 PM #

      Come now Brooke it doesn’t look that cold. The first few days when we had snow really weren’t that cold. Mostly due to the fact there was no wind at all.

  8. EAT-LAUGH-LOVE-ANON December 21, 2010 at 11:43 AM #

    It’s beautiful! I have been looking at the snow in Europe on the news and wishing I was there.
    I grew up on the edge on the Simpson Desert and the first time I saw snow — somewhere between Edinburgh and the Isle of Skye — I nearly caused a bus crash. I’d dozed off and woken up to find something wrong with my eyes… but after blinking for a while I realised the white stuff was outside. I started yelling: IT’S SNOWING! IT’S SNOWING. But of course the Scottish bus driver couldn’t understand me so he panicked and slammed on the brakes. Once he’d calmed down he decided the Aussie fool had to be punished. He pulled over and made me stand in the snow while all the other passengers pelted me with snowballs. It was fantastic! My thermal underwear and waterproof boots worked a treat!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 27, 2010 at 12:09 AM #

      haha mate I wasn’t that excited to see snow for my first time but I can seriously relate to your reaction.

      Your first experience of snow was very much a great one what with the snowball fight that I guess was less of a fight given the team odds 🙂

  9. LINDSAY AKA @_THETRAVELLER_ December 22, 2010 at 3:03 AM #

    Awwww!! This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I love LOVE the first snow fall… but after Christmas I hate HATE snow of any sort.

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 27, 2010 at 12:17 AM #

      haha Lindsay, snow is still cool for me. In saying that I’ve not had to deal with it too much and its never made it to being a foot high at my door… yet

  10. KIRSTY December 24, 2010 at 1:17 AM #

    SNOW – I love it 🙂 but not the chaos it causes in the UK!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD December 27, 2010 at 12:19 AM #

      Kirsty, you won’t be seeing much snow for awhile I wouldn’t think. I can’t get over how such small amounts of snow actually bring the UK to a stop. I get that its slippery and all but Canada and the like get it much worse and still keep the country moving.

  11. 25BAR December 27, 2010 at 11:10 PM #

    First Snow? WOW!
    Happy Holidays!

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