
Featured Photo: Flag of Denmark

Danish Flag

While in Tallinn, Estonia I came across this interesting monument while out on a free walking tour. This is believed to be the site where the Dannebrog (Danish Flag) came to be.

The story goes that the Danish were locked in battle and it was going badly, almost to the point where they had lost. But as they were about to give in a flag dropped from the skies. The King, grabbing it before it had a chance to land on the ground then used it as a sign from heaven to lift his flailing troops and help lead them to victory.

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4 Responses to Featured Photo: Flag of Denmark

  1. ERIC September 12, 2010 at 6:12 PM #

    Nice story about the flag. I love flags, and hope to one day have something with the flag of each country I visit.

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD September 14, 2010 at 1:33 AM #

      Hey Eric, it was pretty cool to learn actually. You know about all the myths etc from your own country/town but to learn some from abroad is always more engaging.

  2. AYNGELINA September 13, 2010 at 12:20 AM #

    Cool shield, do you know what the colours stand for? I’m finding that one of the more interesting things about each country’s flag.

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD September 14, 2010 at 1:37 AM #

      Hi Ayngelina. I haven’t a clue what the colors mean actually. I do remember reading that all of the scandinavian countries have the cross in common on their flags because they all used to use the Danish flag. Then when they changed, they just changed the colours.

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