
Tag Archives | moving to london

Moving To London

Moving to London was more daunting than any other move I’d ever undertaking in my life. Before I’d move to study or relocate to the city because it’s just what you do. But moving 2 hours drive from home or even another state in Australia is nothing compared to moving to London, one the biggest international cities around on the other side of the world. In the interest of helping […]


Seeing a Doctor in the UK

You’ve moved to the UK to live, the visa sticker is still fresh in your passport and you know the guide book back to front. The travel bug and lure of living abroad has firmly taken hold and the life of a traveller is born. But what if another sort of bug bites, one that requires you to see a doctor in the UK. Are you ready for that? I’ll […]


Moving to London – Getting Internet

While some still claim to leave their gadgets at home and disconnect when they set off to travel, there are a majority that cling desperately to their online life wherever they end up. When moving to London it can be your lifeline to assure the family back home that everything is fine and secondly to help you get setup in London with accommodation, a job and for finding things to see and […]