Just sixty one days stand between me and what I hope will be the greatest thing I have done in my life to this date providing you exclude that moment in the backseat….
This looming date has made me aware I’ve been somewhat slow in ensuring I have the proper travel documentation I require for said great moment in life. So spurred on by the excitement of making my Facebook Fan Page (yeah total plug) I begun the application process of obtaining my Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa for the UK.
Its a mouthful alright but what it offers is a home for 2 years in the land of the Queen. For the uneducated here is a quick break down on just what this visa is:
- Available to anyone from Australia, Canada, Japan & New Zealand
- You must be over 18 and under 31 years of age
- Have £1,600 (£1,800 required after 12 June 2012) in available funds at the time of applying
- Can only apply from your country of residence
- You can only use this visa once
What You Get
- Ability to stay in the UK for 2 years
- Allowed to work for the entire 2 years
- Allowed to come and go from the UK as you like within the 2 year period
Now its no wonder London is full of twenty-something Aussie’s all looking to explore and have a good time.
if your an Australian the visa application can be completed online here but be sure to at least read this page first to get an idea of what you are doing. The online form appears to be the easiest thing I have filled out yet, providing you know where your parents were born and when (hey I can’t seriously be expected to know that… can I??).
Eventually you come to a point where money needs to be handed over. Plug in your credit card details and they will happily take $231 AUD $304 AUD from it, while at the same time notifying you that if the form is screwed up your not getting that money back… thanks guys doesn’t the Queen have enough money already.
Next up is when they start to screw with you, which is obviously a test to see if you can hack it living in the UK. I pick my appointment date and time to have my biometric data taken (big brother is watching me now). Then get told to send my paperwork in via post but also to bring it with me to the appointment or I can’t be processed??? I mean seriously which one is it, needless to say first thing tomorrow I’ll be making a phone call for the correct procedure.
Once you’ve printed off the application your left with the task of ensuring you have the following bits of supported documentation to go with it come appointment day.
The list of paperwork to take with you come that day is:
- Printed visa application form
- Appointment booking confirmation form
- Valid passport
- One passport sized color photo (per these requirements)
- Completed self-assessment form and accompanying documents (Appendix 7) EDIT: Not required for biometric appointment
The Appendix 7 form is fairly self explanatory. Its just double checking you meet the requirements and that you can prove your sufficiently funded to enter the UK. My advice be sure to chase up current bank statements or a letter from your bank before applying and setting an appointment date. I say this as I didn’t and now have to scramble for it as my appointment is a week away eek.
Next step is my appointment in Melbourne on the 1st of March so come back soon as I’ll be sure to give a full report on what goes down. Hopefully they just want my fingerprints because I sure ain’t bending over.
Read up on what happens at the biometric appointment and what you need to do after the appointment on my second post UK Youth Mobility Visa – The Reckoning.
Ugh I’m so jealous. As an American I was only able to get a 6 month, non-renewable work visa for the UK.
But oh the joys of English bureacracy!! there is nothing like it on earth. Enjoy…
Hey Steph. I am so glad I can get a 2 year visa because 6 months is such a tease.
Mind you to get a work visa for America I need to be sponsored its so hard to get any sort of visa for there.
It’s because there is no reciprocal agreement on the US side.
Hey Stephanie,
I know this is the latest response ever, but I am an American looking to make my way over to the UK. I’ve heard work visas are hard to come by…how did you obtain your six month visa?
I’m with Stephanie….my passport says USA citizen (believe it or not they let monkeys in too – if you don’t believe me look at the US Congress. Those are some serious flingers.
I’ve considered looking at getting citizenship from another country and if would benefit my travels – that is depending on how that country feels about a monkey claiming them as his homebase.
.-= Cornelius Aesop´s last blog ..The Great American Rite of Passage =-.
I’d love a have a UK passport and even looked into getting one but alas none of my family are close enough to their British ties. Would allow me to get access to all of Europe… oh the dreams.
I’m a year too late for this at 32, but I did consider it once for New Zealand, not sure why I didn’t follow through.
Getting paid in pounds would be pretty sweet, but I would never leave the Audssie sun for London’s cloud.
.-= Ayngelina´s last blog ..Saving for Long Term Travel =-.
Oh wow I so thought you were much younger 🙂 I can’t wait to get paid in pounds as my aussie dollar isn’t going to nearly as far.
Hopefully with 2 years working in the UK I will save a few bucks to continue traveling afterward’s and not return back to Australia.
Aussie sun is great but after 28 years its kinda getting repetitive and actually less of it. Summer used to last forever now its a month or 2 then back to horrible weather.
Ayngelina, did you know if you are an Australian citizen you can work and live in NZ for as long as you like with no visa? The Kiwis can do it in Aus too. That’s why there’s so many here!
I feel the same as Steph. I wish they gave Americans at least a year-long visa. I lived with some Australians in London and I would pout every time they mentioned how long they got to stay.
.-= Joya´s last blog ..Tales of a Day Tripper #1: Brighton, England =-.
Hey Joya, I think they would give Americans a year long visa if America returned the favor. I can only get a work visa for America if a company sponsors me first.
I guess we have some benefits as being part of the commonwealth and still keeping the Queen.
Luckily Nathan has a Swiss Passport so we never had to think about the whole visa thing in Europe.
Shit that stuff really makes things so much more complicated, like faking marriage and stuff (I was actually asked to do that once :S)
Hey Sofia. That’s great about Nathan. I attempted to see if I could get a UK ancestory visa but it wasn’t too be my heritage is too far down the line. Still I’ll be happy to get a 2 year working visa for the UK. Its a lot better then the Americans get.
haha asked to marry a guy for a visa I could so never do that. Mind you I’m not opposed to finding true love overseas 🙂
You Australians and your long visas! I had a student visa for a year in Italy, but now that I am no longer a student, that visa is harder to obtain.
.-= Suzy´s last blog ..My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets =-.
You Australians and your 2 year visas! I had a student visa in Italy for one year, but now that I am now longer a student, that visa is obviously harder to obtain.
.-= Suzy´s last blog ..My 3 Best Kept Travel Secrets =-.
haha Suzy guess it pays for us to still have ties to the Commonwealth for some things. Mind you what can America expect if they won’t open up their boarders. It’s almost impossible to get a visa unless you know somebody.
Hey do you know where these Biometric centres are? I’m sure there is one in Canberra, but any other locations are quite unspecified….I’m in Adelaide by the way.
Hey mate. Mine was at the Consulate office in Melbourne. Head over to this website http://ukinaustralia.fco.gov.uk/en/ and on the far right you can choose a drop down box for your city.
They also tell you the address of the biometric center you need to visit when you complete the online application. Give them a call if your unsure, the phone number is on that page when you choose your city too.
My Australian fiancee is applying for the youth mobility visa this week
I am in the UK and she will be staying with me and looking for work when she gets here
Our plan is to spend a year here and I will apply for the prospective spouse visa for Australia and we will both return there to get married
Are there any reasons that this visa could be denied?
Hi Julian, as long as your fiancee meets the requirements and provides all the right documents everything should be fine.
she got the visa!!!!
That’s awesome mate, congrats!!
Hey, wicked blog. I was wondering whether you needed to post the original documents or take them in with you in the end? I’m getting everything together for my application and was just wondering how it all ended up.
Hey Alli. On the day of your biometric interview you just need your passport, passport size photo (I stuck mine to the form), appointment confirmation letter and the actual application form.
They give you back the form with a stamp on it and take your finger prints. When it comes time to send the paperwork off. Read up on my second post about getting my UK visa for info.
“Then get told to send my paperwork in via post but also to bring it with me to the appointment or I can’t be processed??? ”
Which did it end up being? Or is it indeed both?
Hey Igor. You take the paperwork in with you to the biometric test. They give it a stamp and take your fingerprints. Takes all of 5 min to do. No need to post it down at all.
Cheers this blog has been a massive help. Now i just have to book flights to Melbourne for my 5 minute appointment…..
Oh boy, thank god for your blog! im 3 years late! but it has been a great help! was mega confused with weather i send it in and take it aswell….i’ve got my appointment tomorrow in melbourne, i am going to read over the blog again to make sure i have everything i need! I hope things havn’t changed 😮 fingers crossed!
Hi mate, I’ve actually just drafted up a new post about the visa which you can find here:
I took all the tips and advice from everyone here and put it there along with an fully updated list of what’s required for the visa. Hope that helps.
Thanks so much for your blog, such a life saver!
Quick question: When you sent off your forms, in terms of ‘supporting evidence’ for appendix 7, is it really just your passport and your bank statement? I feel as if im not sending enough!
Cheers, Megan
Hi Megan, Yes that was pretty much it. Check out my follow up post for specific details on what I sent off here http://www.theaussienomad.com/travel-thoughts/uk-youth-mobility-visa/
Thanks so much! I have literally used your blog as my bible! Its honestly like they were trying to make it complicated to deter people from going! haha hope you’ve had an awesome time 🙂
haha thanks Megan I’m glad it was helpful. I know how you feel and you don’t want to know how many hours I spent researching the damn process.
When do you arrive in the motherland? I’m living it up in London at the moment.
I was so paranoid when I went in to get my fingerprints done about not making conversation! haha thanks for the heads up on that one..
Well if I havent royally stuffed up this visa, i’ll arrive on the 27th of Dec! Have you totally loved it? I’ve just been reading your blogs and it seems as if you have! So exciting 🙂
As long as you didn’t have a problem with getting one of your fingerprints to scan like I did 🙂
Ah xmas time, with a bit of luck I’ll have mastered the cold by then. I have had the best time travelling Europe and really looking forward to the next 12-24 months in England.
By the time you get here I should have blogged about some other important things to know about moving to London. So hopefully you won’t end up like me over here. Still stuck in a hostel after 3 months.
Haha no, it seems I have not worked very hard at all!
Oh yes i’m so looking forward to Xmas there, i’ve never even seen snow so i’m pumped!
Very much looking forward to these blogs and avoiding hostels for a long period of time! Keep up the awesome work 🙂
Right well that make’s 2 of us who have never seen snow before. Going to be a freezing cold amazing time and I can’t wait either.
I don’t know if this is a stupid question but I can’t find the answer anywhere…
I wondering when the visa actually begins. Is it when they stamp your passport? Or when you enter the UK?
I am planning on travelling around for 4 -5 months prior to entering the UK so want to apply for it before leaving but obviously don’t want to waste it.
Hi Tina, you choose when to start the visa when you go through the application process. I also travelled around Europe for a couple of months before hand so made sure my visa didn’t start until I was heading for London.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need anymore info.
Thanks for this, it’s really useful….i’m not to sure about my exact travel date, or where i’m staying in london. i just want to get there and see what happens. On the online visa application, it says you need to know itenaray and have an addrrss in england…i don’t have either. do i go for the ‘approximate’?
Thanks mate
Hey, Im an aussie living in Milan, Italy under a student visa but I wish to also apply for the Youth Mobility visa for the UK. Does anyone know if I have to go back to Australia to apply or can I apply in Italy?
Im also not sure if it cancels my Italian visa? Ahh all of this visa stuff is complicated ..
The main thing I want to do is still stay in Italy with my boyfriend and still have the possiblity to apply for jobs in the UK.Then eventually move there if I get the job but as an Australian most employers dont let you apply unless you already have a visa for the UK.
Any help will me much appreciated 🙂
Hi Beth, I’m fairly sure it shouldn’t cancel out your Italian visa as they are for different countries so that should be fine.
As for applying for a UK youth mobility visa while abroad I don’t know. My understanding for it was that you had to apply from your country of residence. Quick way to find out would be to call up the UK embassy in Italy and check with them.
As the youth mobility visa is only valid for a select few countries I would imagine you would have to come home to apply unfortunately.
Hi can anyone help with this maze of applying for visas. Have friend who is on Student mobility visa Tier 5 expires in a few months ( so been there nearly 2 years)is getting married next month to english lad and wants to stay in uk. Both have full time jobs and accomodation.
Question …does she have to come home and re apply ….and for what visa? does she have to have money in bankand does husband have to come to Aust with her? How long will it take?..BUT most of all..who do we contact?????? everyone gives us the brush off and says look on website..done that and can’t find answer! PLEASE is there anyone out there that can help????? Thank you …welcome any advice
Bob I can’t help you here, your friend really needs to be talking to at least the australian embassy or UK imigration to get an idea on where they stand. As they are in the UK already it shouldn’t be too hard to get onto the right person.
Sorry I can’t be of more help but what your after is well above anything I have had to deal with.
Hi, all your information is really useful. I was just wondering if you knew if the youth mobility visa allows you more than the usual 3 out of 6 months in other EU countries??
Thanks in advance…
Hey Jess. Unfortunately the visa doesn’t allow you to stay more than 3 months in Europe. I wish it were true as well.
Hi again,
Thanks for your massive help on this website!
I was just wondering aswell when you have the youth mobility visa and living in UK, how many times can you go out of the country (into Europe)? Does the 3 months tourist rule still apply?
My plan is to move to the UK after I have used my 3 months tourist visa in Italy and then commute back and forth occasionally to Italy. Would this work? Thanks for the help
Hi Beth. You can come and go as much as you like on the 2 year visa. But the 3 month tourist visa for the rest of Europe does still apply.
From what I have heard you can spend 90 days out of every 180 in Europe. So as long as you don’t do more days in Europe than out of it you should be fine.
Another fellow aussie here! 🙂
I was just reading up on expat-blog’s YMS advice and they say you have to have a valid return ticket back to your home country, is that really necessary if you plan on staying there for a while ?
Hi Emilia. I can’t see why they would state you need a valid return ticket as you can stay for up to two years on the visa. I’m not even sure you can get a return ticket that is valid for that long.
I flew into London from Italy and didn’t have a problem. Just gave them the address of my hostel and away I went.
Just wondering.. it says on the visa application website that you need to have had the 1600 pounds in your account for at least 90 days before you apply… was this true for your case? because i plan on leaving in 4 months and dont think i will be able to have it in there by the time i would need to apply…
hmmmmm… all so complicated!
jess 🙂
HI Jess, I did have the money in my account for 90 days as I used a statement from my savings account. Depending on when your statement is printed it may not show it.
You need to have the money in your account when you apply as its a requirement. If your saving the money now and will have it by the time you leave, try and get your family to dump the money in there for the application. Just make sure its in there long enough so it doesn’t look suspect.
Was a bit unsure about something in the YMS application. In section one i need to fill out my other nationalities and they’re asking for “full” details. Do you think place and date of birth would be sufficient enough ? What about an expired Filipino(in my case!) passport number ?
Cheers! 🙂
Emilia, I don’t have an applicaton form that I can look at right now but I’m guessing they want to know if your an australian citizen now and what country you were previously a resident of.
To be honest as none of that related to me I can’t really give you the right answer. Best bet is to give them a call and find out, if you get the form wrong they won’t refund your applicaion fee, so its worth the trouble of a phone call I think.
I wish the Canadian one was this easy – they’re making me jump through hoops. Police certificate, driving history from Vicroads and now need FOI documents about some driving offenses that happened when I was on my P plates.
Does the UK visa ask you for any of these sort of documents? Or are they happily taking us convicts back. 😀
Kieron mate, don’t tell me that as I’m looking to apply for my Canadian Visa now.
Thats it the UK just take our convict asses back.
Hi, I am about to apply for my Teir 5 visa for UK and I am Australian. In 2007 i got 5 spent convictions, 2 for posetion of illeagal substance and 3 controlled weapon charges but they where spent. does anyone know if they deny for that before i spend the money to apply. Much appreciated
Hi John, I can’t say for sure but I’d say there’s a chance you may be denied. Unfortunately they don’t tell you before you apply so you don’t know till you try.
i have a Q? what if you are married can you still apply for this youth mobility visa? anyone plz reply.
thanks in adv
Hi Mate, I don’t remember there being a problem with you being married but worth calling them up just in case. As long as you meet the above criteria it should be ok.
One of the best blogs on applying for youth Mobility Visa. Most other blogs about this subject just ramble about nothing, without getting to the point. love the easy step by step by step guide.
Just a quick question, what is a POINTS BASED SYSTEM FORM (VAF9 DEC 2010)
PERSONAL DETAILS. Is this something extra we must print, fill and send
That’s the online application form – print it out to take to your biometrics appointment.
You can also fill out this form in hardcopy, the online application form is just easier.
Ayyy, i got a couple of questions that i hope you might be able to help me on.
Just looking at the points based calculator online and they say, “If you are applying under tier 2 or tier 5 you must have a certificate of sponsorship”. What do they mean by certificate of sponsorship exactly ? Applying for the tier 5, would that mean i need a certificate of sponsorship from a prospective employer in the UK ? Do i need it immediately for my YMS5 application or can i deal with that afterwards ?
And for the YMS, i’ve read in some places that you only need the 1600P at the time of application, could my application slip through if i havent had the 1600P for atleast a consecutive of 90 days ?
Cheers! 🙂
Hey Emilia. A cert of sponsorship is something you need before you arrive so you would need to have lined up a job before getting to the UK or be willing to travel back to OZ after you got there to sort out the paperwork as it can’t be done in the UK. You don’t need the cert for the T5 youth mobility visa.
As for the funds I’m not sure. At time of application I was well over the required limit and had the money in my account for some time. Personally I’d at least want to have £1600 in my account at application time. With some form of history on your bank statement showing a savings history just to be safe.
If you read over the comments on my 2 posts about getting the visa i think others had no problem but I cant remember. Hope that helps.
Does the bank statement need to be a hard copy with the banks official stationary ? I thought it’d probably be best to be on the safe side and just get some printed out for $7 a pop but thought i might ask as well anyway 🙂
Emilia, it needs to be printed out from the bank with their letterhead so you can’t use an ATM receipt or a print out from your online banking as far as I’m aware. I’d pay to get a proper statement so they can’t complain.
Darnit, so it’s going to take 7-10 working days for those original bank statements to come in and my biometrics appointment is in 5 days. Will it matter if i’m sending off those original documents a little after the biometrics test ? Will they be looking at that ?
Oh my goodness, my head would be swimming with un-answered questions if it weren’t for your help! lol. I just don’t want it slipping through cos of some tiny detail i overlooked. Thanks for being so patient and replying back so quickly too 🙂
Emilia you don’t need the bank statements for your biometric appointment. They get posted off later on with everything else so you will be fine there. Just take your app form, appointment for the biometric interview, passport and the photo with you.
Hi ,
I am going to the UK on a tier 5 in a few weeks. I am wondering how much ill need to have to start up in the Manchester area? I was thinking 2500GBP? but i really have no idea. Ill need bond, first and second month’s rent and living expenses…plus extra to apply and travel to job interviews. Also a little spare in case i dont find a job as quickly as i want. Please help!
Hi Jen, congrats on the visa. To give you an idea on living/working here they pay monthly so you will need enough money to survive a month without pay to start with (if its an office job). You will need a months rent and deposit which can be up to 1.5 times a months rent. Then food, travel etc.
I paid out just on £1500 for rent and deposit on my room in London the first month but Manchester is a bit cheaper from what I hear. Are you going into a hostel first? it’s coming into peak season soon so expect those to be around £20 a night as well.
I’d try and come here with more than £2500 if you can or find a friend so you at least have a couch to sleep on rent free until you get on your feet.
Hi there,
First I must say that you’ve got a fantastic blog going – congrats!
Now this question may seem really, really pedantic – basically it is regarding the online form section where you have to detail your travel outside your country of residence and travel in the UK. I was really detailed in stipulating the dates, duration and purpose of each of my travels, but I missed out a couple of ‘durations’. They were both 1 day trips to London, I just forgot to write down this duration. The date and location and purpose is all there. Do you reckon this could cause a problem? Or am I just being paranoid?
Hey Fel, thanks or the nice words I’m glad you like the blog. I’d say if you have given detailed info on everything else then you should be fine. I think they would be more concerned with lack of funds etc than that.
Good luck on getting the visa and hopefully we’ll be seeing you in this part of the world soon.
Thanks very much for your reply! I think the wait is just making me just a tad nervous!
I just gave the visa people in Canberra a call and they said that what I wrote should be fine.
One interesting thing the lady said regarding this section – which I thought could be useful for future YMS visa applicants – is if you have gone to the UK for a job interview, a conference, seminar or similar, do NOT write that you were in the UK for ‘work’ purposes. You should write ‘business’. The visa can potentially be rejected if you write ‘work’, as you are not meant to work, paid or unpaid, in the UK as a visitor.
Thanks again for your help! Will update on when I have the visa to give an indication of how long it took..
Hey there,
Just letting you know that exactly one week after I sent the application off, I got the email saying the visa has been dispatched. Pretty stoked! They must be working pretty fast this month over in Manila.
Thanks so much again for your help, I will be recommending this blog to any friends of mine that will be applying for the YMS visa in the future.
Congrats Fel. When you land over here in jolly old England look me up, first pint is on me 🙂
I’m the same as Fel, they’re working pretty fast it seems and saved me from what i expected to be a couple of weeks of “limbo” heh.
Now on to the business of looking for ways to support myself over there. I think i might do the live-in pub job route ? *Fingers crossed* ..here we go..
Thanks again AussieNomad 🙂
Hello , My name is Jessica I am from New Zealand , but am currently in the UK with my british boyfriend. I am wanting to get a youth mobility working visa for the UK and was wondering if anyone had any idea how long it takes to process? I need to know because I have to book return flights back here to the UK . I know this is an Australian site , but maybe anyone had any idea. THank you guys .
Hi Jessica, as long as you already have the funds available in your account and meet the other requirements I’d prob allow about a month or more just to be safe. Most people in oz have had their passport back to them within 2-3 weeks after the biometric appointment.
You can get the ball rolling with your application by applying now while in the UK and then arriving home in time for your biometric appointment and then it shouldn’t be more than a month but in saying that I’m not sure how long it takes for a new zealander to get their passport back. Hope that helps.
Do you know if it’s easy to buy a car in the UK as an australian if you have a working visa?
I can’t seem to find any information…
Thanks – sim
Hi Simone. As far as I know there isn’t to much of a problem buying a car here. As long as your licence is valid and allows you to drive that type of car. You may have to exchange your driving licence for a UK one as the OZ licence only lets you drive here for the first 12 months. I exchanged mine recently and it costs £55.
I looked at getting a car but when you look at the cost of fuel (around £1.35 a litre) and the issues of limited parking and so on it just wasn’t a cost effective option for me.
Awesome info..
Just a couple of questions regarding dates.
I’ve got a holiday booked for Europe from November 26th 2011 to February 26th 2012. If I was to want to apply for this Youth Mobility Visa, when would I need to apply for it with enough time to get the paperwork sent and back.
Only thing is, I leave for the USA on 23rd August and don’t get back till 13th October. Therefore only having a month back in Australia before i set off for Europe. Would it be enough time to start it when i get back? What if i start it now, can i book in biometrics for any date i choose or is it a specific date?
hope it makes sense
Hi Adam. I’d personally allow 2-3 weeks but most have had the entire process done much quicker. You apply online and choose when to take the biometric appointment yourself so the online part can be done before you leave for the USA. That way all you need to do in that period before you leave for europe is go to the appointment and send your passport off which should be plenty of time.
Hi, I have a T5 visa and im currently living in the UK but i want to go and work in the snow for winter in the EU.
the T5 doesn’t give you the right to work in the EU does it?
Could you let me know how I can work in the EU and any information on getting jobs the in the snow? I am considering just turning up to one of the snow fields and trying to get a bar job but im not sure if its wise as i don’t have much money.
Hi Courtney, You are correct the tier 5 only allows you to work in the UK.
I’ve not tried getting work over in the EU but believe your only option (and not that I’m saying try it) but would be to turn up and see if you can get a cash in hand type job. Without a visa or some form of temp working arrangement I don’t believe you can work there legally.
Hooowdy! Just a quick question which im already sure I know the answer to but need clearing up, all the second hand info thats floating around my hostel kitchen is quite confusing. Im in the UK but planning on heading back home (darwin) from november to feb to skip out on the cold and grab the rest of my things as ive decided to live here for good. Ive had my mobility visa since start of june so ill have plenty of time when i get back in march, but i was just wondering if theres a limited amount of time im allowed out of the uk before it becomes void? also, do you know if i can have 2 visas at the same time? I decided I loved the uk so much once i got here that Im planning on getting the 5yr ancestry visa. Can they overlap? If they can I’ll get mine in december, otherwise ill just do it in 2yrs. Hope this all makes sense, pretty tired right now. Thanks for your help!
Ps. My grandma is always quoting your site and when I had to fly to melbourne to get my biometric scan on the monday I had a notification on the wednesday that it had already been dispatched.
Hi Emily. Nope you can come and go as much as you please with your visa. I’ve got friends who went home for the summer and came back to catch summer here in the UK so no problems there.
As for having 2 visas at the same time I highly doubt it. if you intend to stay I’d use up your 2yr visa first then apply for the 5yr one as that gives you 7 years before having to worry about becoming a citizen etc
haha tell your grandma many thanks for being such a good marketer for me 🙂
hi, emilia, are you filipino? i really need help in applying UK visa..im here in netherland now, and ‘d like to apply for UK visa so i can work in london after my stay here..hope you can help me..thnks so much..
Hi! I’m looking at applying for a UK visa too. I’m an Aussie, and would be possibly the Youth Mobility Visa, but I have a grandparent who was born in England so I may apply for the Ancestry Visa. My cousin used this passport as evidence for ancestry and got the visa, so I know it’s possible. My main question is what happens next – yes I can apply for the visa (with my cousin’s help as I have no idea how to go about it!), and I can save money (hopefully!) and there’s no reason I wouldn’t be accepted. But do you need to have a job lined up? It’s highly unlikely that I could find a job in the UK whilst in Australia.
Apart from the good old resume drop, how else would you go about getting a job in the UK? I’ve been reading your blogs and I’m not sure what you’re up to now, but what about finding somewhere to rent? All the nitty gritty stuff. I currently work in retail in Aus, and hence my resume isn’t flash for prospective UK employers. How’d you go about finding work and a place to crash? I don’t know if you can shed any light onto this, but someone who’s already done it it a good place to start! 🙂
Hey Bec, sorry for the delayed response I’ve been off doing some more travelling of my own recently.
You don’t need a job lined up before leaving Australia. If you pass all the requirements for the visa and get that then you are good to go. Once you arrive then you have to go about the process of finding a job/house etc etc.
I was lucky and got a job through a friend that was living here already so managed to avoid the job hunting. Resume drops are ok but you will probably be best seeking out some job placement agencies (more popular here than in OZ I think) and let them do the work or find a friend you know here and see if they have work going with them.
I have a post on finding accommodation in London here http://www.theaussienomad.com/travel-thoughts/finding-accommodation-in-london-the-ups-and-downs/ but for the most part I searched on gumtree here till I found a place.
Hope that helps a bit and if you need anymore info do feel free to ask.
Hey everyone, I am having sooooooooo much difficulty trying to apply for the Tier 5 visa online. I have filled everything in correctly but you get to the last page which is the Declaration. The page requires a signature. How can you sign it online? I wasn’t sure if I could just type my name in or scan my signature?? I really don’t want to screw it up and have my application rejected.
Has anyone else come across this and how did you fix it??
Please help as I need to submit my application ASAP.
Thanks so much
Hi Kim, all you need to do is type your name in. I don’t believe you can do anything else as there is nowhere to upload a digital copy of your signature from memory.
Hi guys,
I have a query. I accidentally put my mum’s maiden name on the application form and I have since got my biometrics done and it’s all stamped with proof of payment. Is it worth redoing?
Hi, cheers for the information.
Does anyone know if once the visa is granted if you need to be in the uk within a certain time period? i.e 3 months?
Pete I’m pretty sure you can set the date and get there when you like but obviously don’t apply now to travel in a years time etc. Go through the online process and I’m sure it will tell you.
Did anyone have to take a return envelope to the biometric appointment? I was under the impression that this was only required when you send off your passport & application ect AFTER the biometric is done, but the online system told me to take a prepaid envelope as part of my supporting documents??
Cheers for the info!
Ben you don’t post off your info until after the biometric is done. They stamp your application form there and then give you details on what th post where etc.
Hey, seriously, your blog is a life saver. It totally got me through the whole application. I did have some questions though, i selected to use the postal option (as opposed to in person, or in person with return envelope) does that just mean that I send the whole package (ie. forms and biometrics) off in the end? It was kind of unclear where to send it.
Sheldon I can’t remember exactly but yes you would just post it all off after the biometric is done. I don’t even remember their being an option for in person but hey it was almost 18months ago since I went through the process.
Great Post and a life saver. Thanks a lot for such a detailed information. I have applied online today and got the appointment on monday. I couldnt find the appendix 7 form from the webiste. Would you be able to send me a direct link to that form. Do I need to send anyother documents together with the application other than the mentioned ones.
Thanks a lot
Starcity I’m in the process of updating the post to reflect changes that the UK visa office has made. I’m not 100% sure if the appedix 7 form is now required. Perhaps someone that has applied recently can comment and let us all know.
I am an Australian student going on exchange to a French university for 1 year. I am having a great deal of difficulty organising my student visa and my flight ticket is booked for the 17th of December (less than 2 weeks). at this late stage I won’t have time to arrange my visa before my departure. Would it be possible for me to fly to France for Christmas and then fly to Edinburgh to apply for my student (long stay) visa with the consulate in Sydney via post?
Please help!
Hi Rebecca. If you are talking about the Youth Mobility Visa then no it has to be applied for in Australia I’m afraid. You have to give fingerprints and have your passport sent off for processing etc.
Just a quick update on Youth Mobility Visa. Everything remain the same except the visa fee. Its now AUD 331 and the self assessment form can be found here http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/visas/vaf9-app7.pdf.
I have send my documents and waiting for a reply :-S