
Israel – A Land of Memories

Israel – A Land of Memories

I’ve tried to put into words what it’s been like touring around Israel for the last few days and as a result you haven’t seen a post from me. It’s not because I haven’t been enjoying myself and can’t find a way to write about it, far from that actually. I’ve been so busy I didn’t even have time to wish my brother happy birthday last week (sorry bro) and I’ve slept this little since the week-long bender I took after finishing my schooling in Australia (sans hangover of course).

To put it into perspective here is a list of just a sample of the things I’ve done over the past 10 days.

The Aussie Nomad with Ivri Lider

Meeting Famous Israeli Singer Ivri Lider

  • Visited the Golan Heights
  • Ate dinner by the See of Galilee at Sunset
  • Swam in the Jordan River
  • Met a Nobel Laureate Winner
  • Drove a fully Electric Car
  • Explored Massada
  • Met 2 Popular Israeli Singers
  • Floated about in the Dead Sea
  • Partied in Tel Aviv
  • Visited Jerusalem
  • Dived with Dolphins in Eilat
  • Seen the borders to Syria, Jordan and Egypt
  • And so so so much more….

I still don’t know how to put most of those stories into words but I’m sure going to try over the next few weeks as I so desperately want to share them with you. Just like each student that has been part of the Once In A Lifetime trip has done for me. I want to tell you about these amazingly smart people who have set about showcasing the country they love dearly in the hope that you to can see for yourselves.

I’d love to leave you with some amazing thought or insight to lure you into following my story of Israel over the next few weeks but as I sit here on my last night of the trip, exhausted both physically and mentally from the experience I can only come up with this:

You can’t see a country in 10 days and think you know it, but with a bit of love and a lot of friends you can experience something so great that it will never be lost from your memories.

Floating In The Dead Sea

Just floating about in the Dead Sea no big deal

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12 Responses to Israel – A Land of Memories

  1. KEREN September 20, 2011 at 4:46 PM #

    Chris We Love You!!!
    Can’t believe the time passed so quickly…
    Looking forward to having you in Israel again, very soon!!!
    Thank you for making this Experience a Once in A Lifetime for us as well!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD September 23, 2011 at 2:16 PM #

      Keren it was my pleasure to meet you and all of the other Once In A Lifetime crew. So glad to have made so many new friends and to see your beautiful country with you all.

  2. DARREN September 22, 2011 at 9:51 AM #

    Well I must say you have done more in 10 days than I have in a couple of months there. I plan to see a lot more of the country (than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) over the next several months that I’m there. I look forward to reading more of your posts about your trip. Glad you had such a great time!

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD September 23, 2011 at 2:17 PM #

      haha Darren it was a busy schedule to say the least. Hopefully I can point out some cool places to go and maybe even direct you to some amazing students to show you around as well.

  3. CHRIS WALKER-BUSH September 23, 2011 at 3:00 AM #

    Jealous! haha

    Looking forward to reading more about your trip once you’d had some time to collect your thoughts.

    • THE AUSSIE NOMAD September 23, 2011 at 2:18 PM #

      Chris I can’t wait to share the trip with you mate. Going to be a big ask putting it all into words thats for sure.

  4. STEPHANIE - THE TRAVEL CHICA September 23, 2011 at 3:06 AM #

    That last photo is great!

  5. ERIK September 23, 2011 at 3:08 PM #

    Can’t wait to read more. I spent 25 days in Israel in May 2010. I loved the Golan. I’m so glad I rented a car specifically to go there. It was one of my favorite parts of the trip. The banner on my blog has a photo from Nimrod Fortress in the Golan, a place that would have been almost impossible to visit without my own car.

  6. AMANDA September 25, 2011 at 9:31 PM #

    Sounds like it was a really great trip, full of memories that will last you a lifetime.

    I can’t wait to read more!

  7. JEANNE @ COOKSISTER! September 27, 2011 at 9:12 AM #

    Love that final pic :))



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